Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lack of motivation...


Yes, I know I'm late... drastically late. Haha. I'm not even fashionably late. But the thing is... everyone is taking a blogger break. I mean EVERYONE I follow has taken a break from blogger! It makes me... so sad. So very sad. I MISS EVERYONE.

I also don't really have anything to post about. Nothing of substance, really. I do have a New Year's Resolution, actually I have a few... one is to blog more. Another is to do my homework... BEFORE the due date, not ON the due date, to the best of my ability. The other is to study for at least an hour each week night... I have five subjects. So one day for each subject maybe?

I have two movies that I've watched recently... and they've changed me. One is an Australian movie, adapted from the book, and the other was made in 1989. I know, I know... but I LOVE old movies. They seem to be more carefully constructed than new ones.

Tomorrow, When The War Began.

Oh my goodness. I saw this a while ago and didn't really think about it, but then I bought the DVD at a boxing day sale. It's set in Australia, like the books (you can download the books online). Seven kids go camping down in what they call Hell, a small valley nestled between two cliffs and a road called Taylor's stitch. While they're there, their town is invaded by foreign militants attempting to take over the country.

This movie is about so much more than defending your country. Ellie, the main character, essentially has to decide between killing the invading soldiers in a showdown involving a ride-on mower, or letting her friends die because she let her morals take over. She chooses her friends but can't forget that the soldiers she killed were barely older than she was.

Instead of a poster I decided to include the trailer :D the poster doesn't really say much about the movie itself. The movie is more about the people and less about the actual war. I had to study the book in year 9. Freaky stuff.

But it made me think - if soldiers invaded my town like they did Ellie's, what would I do? There's nowhere to hide and I would know, I've lived here my entire life. There's no way I would be able to survive.

Plus I never go camping. :P I suppose I'd crawl under my bed until it was all over.

And then I watched Dead Poets Society.

This movie made me cry. Almost every scene made me think about something more. Six students get a new English teacher, Mr. Keating (who reminds me a lot of my Literature teacher, Mr. Dunbar), who teaches them to embrace and enjoy poetry, and enforces on them the lifestyle carpe diem - translated into English, "Seize the day". The boys revive a society called the Dead Poets Society, dedicated to exploring language and "sucking the marrow from life."

Amazing movies :D

I couldn't find a trailer for Dead Poets Society, but the movie really made me think. (SPOILER ALERT) If Mr. Keating hadn't encouraged Neil, the main character, into acting, would he have realised what he was missing regardless and committed suicide, or would he have been content doing what his father wanted him to?

So many questions, so few answers.

By the way - CARPE DIEM is my new motto. :D

-a solitary blue.

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