Saturday, July 3, 2010

Me :)


-Is not a girly girl. In fact I'm as far from a girly girl as anybody's going to get. I wear shorts with tights and t-shirts with ties. I listen to rap and heavy metal and screamo.

-Is happy most of the time. I don't have any reason not to be. A bad day for me is not being able to find anything to wear (despite me having like 3490579864986 clothes).

-Thinks a lot. A LOT. I don't think I've had silence in my own head since I was ten. And I like that :) If I'm thinking it means I have an opinion and without an opinion human beings are just robots following the latest socially-acceptable bandwagon.

-Doesn't know what to believe in. Can't I believe that there was evolution to a certain point and then someone interfered, or that someone created us and then we evolved from there? Why does it have to be one or the other?

-Loves loves loves her hair :D it's my best feature lol.

-Plans on being a psychologist, a journalist or an anthropologist (if I were a journalist I'd probably get in trouble all the time for actually publishing the truth and heaven forbid anybody do that anymore).

-Writes a lot. There's 700 plus word documents on this computer. :D

-Is a lover, not a hater. Except I DO hate things like war, cancer or poverty. Yeah, I think everyone does, and if you don't hate death and destruction there's probably something incredibly wrong with you.

-Would rather die than kill another person.

-Doesn't kill. Anything. Not flies, not spiders, not mozzies (even though I'm terrified of spiders). April this year my friends deliberately caught grasshoppers and toasted them in a fire. I left the party because I was so disgusted with them.

-Stands up for what she believes in. Even though I'm not sure what that is yet.

-Is a dancer.

-Loves going to the doctor's. And strongly dislikes the dentist's (because you go there and you know when they're picking/drilling/filling your teeth that it should hurt and doesn't and will later D:)

-Ayla loves ducks. And chickens. They're such goofy birds :D

-Ayla doesn't act her age. Ayla acts her shoe size (7).

-Loves children. All kinds of children. But I would NEVER have any of my own! Not yet anyway.


-Won't watch/read/talk about/listen about Twilight. I liked it until it became cookie-cutter popstar magazine fodder. I hate how everyone's just jumped on the bandwagon (which is doomed to crash and burn sometime in the near future) and I hate how the people who star as Bella and Edward are awful role models (yes, yes, some would argue that smoking pot on a balcony or threatening to kill yourself on live TV is a good thing).


-Is almost pathologically obsessed with Zatch Bell. It is. THE BEST. I don't mind Loveless or DN Angel either :) I keep up with Naruto just because I reeeeeaaaalllly wanna see Naruto kick Pein's ass.

-Addicted to facebook. Like the rest of the world.

-Actually likes going to school. I get to see all my friends :D

-Is hells curious about many a thing in life (how on earth did Julia Gillard become Australia's prime minister?! One step forward for womankind, a hundred steps back for Australia's economy!).

-Has these hells awesome friends who she couldn't live without. Sometimes, though, when Karisma spikes my drink with fruit tingles and potato chips, or a certain Jamie is calling me at TWELVE OH ONE in the morning saying "GUESS WHAT IT'S TOMORROW! :D"I do my very best to kill them >.<

-Wants to help people

-Actually tries to update her blog!

-Writes down anything she's thinking of so she can post it (and doesn't have blogger's block for months at a time).

-Is about to finish this off because she has something serious she wants to say.

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