Yeah, I do post obsessive-compulsively every day. I have to!!! The best thing about blogging is that I can say all the things on here that I can't say out loud, or wouldn't dare to. It's like Dunbar says. You can kill people. You just shouldn't (certain parts of this I disagree with lol :) very few people have it in them to kill another).We had a surprise party for Riz today at lunch (it was her birthday yesterday, which was the 21st here and the 20th everywhere else). It was my job to lure her away and distract her while everything was set up. I didn't lure her so much as drag her away to the career's office, where I announced I needed to talk to Ms Adler. As we walked back she's going "Ayla, what did you do?" And I'm like "Nothing! I see no evil, I speak no evil, I do no evil! I am INNOCENT of all wrongdoing! IT WASN'T ME EY IT WAS THE CHAIR EY! Why do you always think it's me!" and the entire time I'm walking ahead so she doesn't notice I'm pissing myself laughing at her. The look on her face was PRICELESS XD I wish I'd taken pictures but I didn't. I didn't have time to get my camera :) She was like "You said you had nothing to do with it!" and I was like "I lied... :D" but you could tell she was happy, she was almost crying :)OK, so now I move onto a serious topic. Can ANYBODY explain to me what the hell is happening in Afghanistan at the moment? Because honestly, I have no idea and the fact that three more Aussie Diggers are dead is pissing me off. It's not our war. I have no idea why we're over there at all! Plus, we have to do an English assignment on it, and I suppose because Americans seem to be more involved in it (they have way more troops there) I guess I thought they'd know more. I always say "we shouldn't be there, it's not our war". But I've just come to realise that that was what everyone said about Hitler. Nothing was done about the threat until the threat was right on their doorstep. Had someone come in and crushed Hitler like the worthless piece of shit he was, countless innocents wouldn't have been lost.[I'm not ready to make nice
I'm not ready to back down
I'm still mad as hell
I don't have time to go round and round and round]
OK, I'm kind of jumping from topic to topic today. But has anyone ever looked at you on the street and you've thought "I should stay away from that person"? Well, a few weeks ago, a guy at my school - who I KNEW - molested a couple of girls in my year and the years below. I won't name him. Point is, I cannot explain how much I hate him without offending people with my trashy mouth. The day before it happened, he actually followed me to the girl's toilets when I was getting my books from my locker. The doors have a big glass panel that's pebbled, and I could see his shadow outside the door. He waited for me for over half the lesson to come out before leaving. What a disgusting, sick pervert. And when I say "sick" I don't just mean he's gross. I mean he's sick. In the head. I mean he needs help.[Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I'm not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I'm still waiting]
Anyway, today I was up the street after school, and I saw him getting out of his car. Let it be known, he's only a few months older than me and only as tall as me (which, let's face it, isn't huge... I'm about 5'5" or 165 centimeters tall) but to me, he seemed evil.And you know what he said? He said "Hi, Ayla" like he HADN'T wanted to rape me or molest me, like he had never once laid a hand on those poor little girls in the lower year levels, like he hadn't robbed them of their innocence.If this was a sitcom or drama, this would be the point where the five-minute stare comes in and I then lower my head and walk away. Unfortunately for him, this is not a sitcom or drama. This is not As the World Turns, Home and Away (God I hate that show) or Neighbours. This is reality, and in reality not every girl is the damsel in distress that Jamie thought I would be. This BOY is looking at me like I'm a piece of meat, like he owns me, with this hungry look in his eyes. He looks at me like he wouldn't mind raping me (let's get this straight, he wouldn't). He looks at me like I'm a jaybird and he's an eagle. He looks at me like "it's only a matter of time". He looks at me like "that was a close call, wasn't it?". He looks at me like "you're the one who got away." [Here in the darkness I know myself
Can't break free until I let it go
Let me go!]
So he says "Hi Ayla" like he actually has ANY RIGHT to speak to me, and I lose it. A little. A lot. I walked over to him and cracked my fist into his face as hard as I could. He deserved it. I asked him if he felt like a man for what he'd done to those little girls, who were only twelve and thirteen (yeah, that's little to me). I asked him if he got pleasure from it. I asked him if he would enjoy being someone's toy in jail. I told him that the one thing even prisoners hate is a child molester. That even most people who are below the law and have fallen through the cracks find it sickening that someone could do that to a child. [I can't hold onto me
Wonder what's wrong with me
Don't wanna lock me up inside]
He's not allowed back at school. Even though he hasn't been convicted of anything yet, the court of law and justice has ruled that he's not allowed back in school. Good. He's a waste of air anyway. Besides, I think I did some damage today. He looked pretty shaken up, like, shit, my would-be victim stood up to me. She doesn't give a shit what people think of her, if they think she's violent or not. He looks like maybe she's right, maybe I am sick. He looks at me like, wow, I just realised the damage I've inflicted.And then I told him he was going to burn in hell. You know what he did at that point? He smiled.The bastard smiled at me. He said he was already halfway there. [All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a voice, without a thought, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something wrong!
Bring me to life]
Mum says maybe getting sent to jail might be a wake up call for him. I disagree. People like that don't see children as what they are. They see them as scraps of meat, delicacies waiting to be taken. People like that don't feel guilt, or sadness, or anger. They're... emotionally mute. If you don't feel guilt for something you've done wrong, how can you even realise you ARE wrong?I'd love to hear some opinions on this. From EVERYONE :) I know there are people who view this blog without leaving a message or commenting, but I would seriously love to hear some opinions. I love a good debate :)the sensational crusader. (: